Friday, January 10, 2020

Records management system Essay

Chapter I INTRODUCTION Nowadays where computer is a way of life, businesses, schools, offices and other institutions adapt this kind of high technology to become easier and more comfortable for the people to live and do things. It makes the transaction process faster and less paper works. Information systems have been deployed by organizations for achieving efficiency, effectiveness, enhancing quality and gaining competitive advantage. Similarly, the proponents aim to achieve similar objectives for the proposed Personnel Record Management System of DepED, Silay City Division. Department of Education aims to provide access to quality and relevant Basic Education through informed and responsive policies and plans, effective Technical Assistance to Divisions, ensuring productive partnerships and Resource Mobilization and Management and assigning and developing highly competent educational managers, learning facilitators and support personnel, Information via the Internet: Department of Education. Managing Per sonnel records is essential in providing the information needed by organizations and monitor staff performance. As the number of hired personnel are continually increases, managing of information will also become complex, especially if everything is done manually. With the help of information system there are some ways to avoid this kind of problem. With PRMS, the Human Resource department can truly function as a strategic partner and accelerate organization growth to achieve the business goal of the organization. The system is effective and beneficial and accessible to accurate, timely and relevant information that are linked to the accomplishment of the organization’s mission and strategic objective. 1.1 Project Context This part will focus on the proposed Personnel Record Management System. It will also discuss some problems and possible solutions that will develop and improve the flow of transactions that is currently used by Department of Education-Division of Silay. It is experiencing numerous problems which slow down their services. The current system of HRMO uses a Microsoft Excel. A spreadsheet can only be used for the most basic sort of data searching and retrieval. The proposed Personnel Record Management System can provide  accuracy and effectiveness in the business process and will surely be a great help to improve the transaction process that organization is recently using. It will be easier for the HR end-users to encode personnel information and generate reports. Users must have the knowledge in using the system properly to contribute strategically to the business. And all personnel information will be saved automatically in a secured database. The proponents will develop a user-friendly system for the end-user to capture system flow. 1.2 Problem Statement After gathering the data, the proponents found out that the Department of Education-Division of Silay is experiencing some difficulties in their transactions. The current system used in recording personnel’s information by the Human Resource department of DepED, Silay City Division is Microsoft Excel. The following are the identified problems: 1. The current system can no longer support the information which had been stored using Microsoft Excel. 2. The personnel are having hard time in updating an employee’s information. 3. It takes more time in processing service record. 4. The Leave Credits and Service Credits are recorded manually. 1.3 Objectives of the Study The aim of this study is to develop a Personnel Record Management System for Department of Education-Division of Silay City which will make sure that the information of the employees are secured, relevant and updated. The Specific Objectives of the study are as follows: 1. Allow system administrator to conduct and input personal information easily, accurately and efficiently and directly stored at the database. 2. The proposed PRMS can reduce the amount of paperwork and manual record keeping. 3. Viewing and printing of service record. 4. Provide required service on time. 1.4 Scope and Limitations The proponents come up with the idea of developing Personnel Record Management System after analyzing some data gathered during interviews. The system will focus on recording information of personnel. The proposed system will be used by the HR department of DEP-ED, Silay City Division in updating and encoding records of personnel. 1. The system is only concerned in storing employee’s information. 2. The system sorts personnel by school, position and qualification. 3. The system encodes and prints of service record. 4. The system records Service Credits rendered for teaching personnel. 5. The system records Leave Credits for non- teaching personnel. 6. Registered users can only access the system to serve and protect the database. 1.5 Benefits of the Project The Personnel Record Management System will provide a better service and storage that it can keep vast amounts of data to become organized and easy to access. To the end –user  The admin/user of the HR department of the DEP-ED, Division of Silay can produce reports on employee information and development in order to ensure information needs are met. It will also easy for them to locate all the records needed by the employee in case of the misplaced of the hardcopy. To the DEP-ED, Division of Silay PRMS will be a great help for the transaction process of the organization. All the information input will directly stored at the database of the system. To the Faculty and staff of DEP-ED  PRMS is advantageous to the employee or staff for they are guarantee that the data they filled in are stored until the end of their service. The transaction process will be easier and faster in terms of their service record. To the Future Researchers The study of Personnel Record Management System will served as a pattern for the future researchers with the same title of research. To the Proponents This is a great challenge for the graduating students to strive hard to pass this study as well to earn learning’s, knowledge and skills during the project making. 1.6 Definition of Terms The proponents defined the following terms operationally: Database. is an organized collection of data. The term database is correctly applied to the data and their supporting data structures, and not to the database management system (DBMS). System. is a set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole or a set of elements. Information. Data that has been verified to be accurate and timely, is specific and organized for a purpose, is presented within a context that gives it meaning and relevance, and that can lead to an increase in understanding and decrease in uncertainty. Records. It is a collection of related field with information that usually pertains to only one subject. Employee. A person who is hired to provide services to a company on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and who does not provide these services as part of an independent business. Software. It is a system utility or application program expressed in complete readable language. User. The person who uses a computer for word processing, communications, and other application Information System. A combination of hardware, software, infrastructure and trained personnel organized to facilitate planning, control, coordination and decision making in an organization. Service Record. Is a collection of either electronic or printed material which provides a documentary history of a person’s activities and accomplishments while serving as a member of a given organization. Teachers. Refer to the number of teachers holding position titles of Master Teacher I-II and Teachers IIII. SY 1999-2000 TO SY 2001-2002 DATA IS BASED ON THE Personal Services Itemization-Plantilla of Positions (PSI-POP) while 2002-2003 to SY 2005-2006 data are based on BEIS. Chapter II REVIEW OF RELATED CONCEPTS AND SYSTEMS This chapter discuss about the different companies all over the world that uses the same system with the proposed system. These studies can help the proponents manipulate and put up ideas about the system. 2.1 Review of Related Concepts Document Management System According to the tech community, a Document Management System (DMS) is â€Å"an integrated network of compatible programs or computer sytems  that reliably handle information for accurate records and usability†. The main focus of the group was to search for information to help create a system that will solve the problem faced by the DOE in handling their documents. A document management system (DMS) is a computer system (or set of computer programs) used to track and store electronic documents. It is usually also capable of keeping track of the different versions modified by different users (history tracking). Human Resource Management Information Systems The use of Human Resource Management Information Systems (HRMIS) has been advocated as an opportunity for human resource (HR) professionals to become strategic partners with top management. The idea has been that HRIS would allow for the HR function to become more efficient and to provide better information for decision-making. HRIS is a system used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve and distribute pertinent information about an organization’s human resources. It is often regarded as a service provided to an organization in the form of information. (Tannenbaum, 1990) PaperChase Record Management & File Tracking PaperChase Records Management is the barcode or RFID driven records management (EDRMS) or file tracking system for the archival storage, tracking and retrieval of original documents, files and archive boxes, and with the PaperChase Imaging option scanned documents may also be stored, retrieved and displayed on screen. Alliance PaperChase is Intranet and In ternet compatible. Using barcode or RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification or â€Å"Smart Labels†) technology, Alliance PaperChase is designed to identify and track any item such as client files, incoming mail, internal documents, forms, drawings and archived material. Each file, box and shelf location has a barcode attached and files are tracked within the system using barcode scanners. Typically all employees could have a view-only version of PaperChase (allowing enquiries and File ordering) whilst Records Management department users would have a full version (allowing File creation, movement, boxing , archiving etc.). Users can request delivery of Files (from on-site or 3rd party storage) for delivery to their desks. (Tim Fisher, 2012) Enterprise Content Management (ECM) The Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM) International, the worldwide association for Enterprise Content Management, defined the term in  2000. AIIM has refined the abbreviation ECM several times to reflect the expanding scope and importance of information management. Enterprise content management (ECM) is a formalized means of organizing and storing an organization’s documents, and other content, that relate to the organization’s processes. The term encompasses strategies, methods, and tools used throughout the lifecycle of the content. (Wikipedia, 2010) Records Management System RIMS Law Enforcement Records Management System is the most effective way to organize, track and access the vast amount of information that flows through your police department every day. RMS was designed to be powerful as well as easy. In fact, its power lies in how simple and logical it is to use. Help screens throughout the system ensure that assistance is only a click away. With the Search function, you can create reports based on any parameters you set. Also, RIMS makes retrieving data easy, even when only incomplete information is available. Find people by searching first names, hair color, height, weight or any other information captured in a person record. Or locate vehicles with nothing more than make, model or color. (Sun Ridge Systems, Inc., 2013) With the Records Management System, you can easily track a variety of offender types, as well as, other groups of special interests such as missing persons. 2.2 Review of Related System This study aims to give more understanding regarding the Personnel Record Management System through this review. This also served as guide to help improved the proposed system. International Records Management Trust This module is part of an educational initiative called Training in Electronic Records Management or TERM, developed by the International Records Management Trust as part of a wider project to investigate issues associated with establishing integrity in public sector information systems. Begun in 2006, Fostering Trust and Transparency in Governance: Investigating and Addressing the Requirements for Building Integrity in Public Sector Information Systems in the ICT Environment was a project designed to address the crucial importance of managing records in the information technology environment. The focus of the study was pay and personnel records, since  payroll control and procurement are the two major areas of government expenditure most vulnerable to misappropriation, and payroll control is, therefore, a highly significant issue for all governments. The project provided an opportunity to explore the management of paper records as inputs to financial and human resource management information systems, the management of electronic records as digital outputs and the links between them. It also involved examining the degree to which the controls and authorizations that operated in paper-based systems in the past have been translated into the electronic working environment, (the National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, 1999) Student’s Records: Challenges in the Management of Student Personnel in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions This study is focused on the challenges on students’ records in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. This is because the life wire of the existence of any organization hinges on adequate information disseminated amongst all members of such organization. The study used samples from Federal, State and Private Universities in the South-South geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The study specially found out if there are significant differences in the challenges in the Federal, State and Private Universities. The design of study is the descriptive survey having all the 7,167 senior administrative staff in Federal, State and Private Universities in the South-South geopolitical zone as the target population. The study used the stratified random sampling techniques to obtain 740 sample sizes. The instrument used was the questionnaires designed on an adopted four point like scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The test re-test method was used and the Pearson product moment co-efficient statistics was used to obtain a reliability co-efficient r of 0.88 at 5% level for the instrument. Two research questions were raised as guide and one null hypothesis was formulated and tested. The percentage score was used to present and analyse research question one while the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to answer research question two and to test the only hypothesis. The findings revealed that the challenges encountered in the management of records are common to Federal, State and Private Universities in Nigerian. Record keeping in an organizational set-up like the school cannot be over emphasized, especially to ensure that accurate and proper record of student’s achievement and growth are kept in schools. The smooth running of any higher institution depends on effective  and efficient records management as one of the Student Personnel Services. These records serve the purpose of referri ng to the past and a signpost to the future. However, on a closer look at Nigeria Universities, one finds that records are not properly kept. Nwagwu (1995) observes that Nigeria does not have a developed record keeping culture in the educational system. But records should be adequately stored and preserved for easy reference and retrieval. Alegbeleye (1993) sees records and information management as an all embracing activity which includes form control, correspondence control reports management and control activities, file management records inventory and appraisal records retention and disposition, archives management and control and reprography. (E. D. Nakpodia 2011). Managing Public Sector Records This module is not primarily concerned with the skills and techniques of personnel management, though inevitably it discusses the main functions involved. Rather, this module aims to identify and describe the types of records generated in the normal course of personnel management. The module then seeks to promote good practice in the creation, maintenance and disposal of those records. The main focus is on the management of personal files, which are the ‘case files’ that relate to individual employees. Personal files comprise the main bulk of personnel records. Managing Personnel Records aims to help the records manager understand the role that records play in the whole range of issues involved with personnel management. Its goal is to assist both records managers and non-records staff, including line managers and personnel staff, to manage personnel records in support of public accountability and good governance. The module will enable them to advise policy makers and personnel managers about the importance of effective personnel records management. The module is written particularly for records managers who have completed their study of the earlier modules in this programmed. It is addressed to those working in posts carrying managerial responsibility for personnel records. It will also be of value to managers in other disciplines, in particular personnel officers seeking a broader perspective. The module provides an understanding of the management framework needed for the control of personnel records and their significance as a resource for public sector personnel management and  human resources planning. It explores the role of these records as tools for monitoring staff numbers and performance as well as for protecting the rights of individual staff. Personal Health Records and Personal Health Record Systems In its 2001 report, Information for Health: A Strategy for Building the National Health Information Infrastructure, NCVHS identified three primary areas or dimensions that comprise a national health information infrastructure (NHII): information to support the needs of patient care, population health, and personal health. The healthcare provider (patient care) area promotes quality patient care by providing access to more complete and accurate patient data on the spot, around the clock. It includes provider notes, clinical orders, decision-support programs, electronic prescribing programs, and practice guidelines. The second area, population health, makes it possible for public health officials and other data users at local, State, and national levels to identify and track health threats, assess population health, and create and monitor programs and services. This area includes information on both the health of the population and influences on it. Finally, the personal health area of the NHII supports individuals in managing their own wellness and healthcare decision making. It includes a personal health record that is created and controlled by the individual or family, plus information and tools such as health status reports, self-care trackers and directories of healthcare and public health service providers. In this vision of the NHII, the three primary areas are equally important, and the goal for the infrastructure as a whole is to promote optimum information exchange among them. The heart of the vision is sharing information and knowledge as appropriate so it is available to people when they need it to make the best possible health decisions. Ready access to relevant, reliable information and secure modes of communication will enable consumers, patients, healthcare and public health professionals, public agencies, and others to address personal and community health concerns far more effectively. Employee Information System-Divine Word College of Vigan Computers have changed the way we work, be it any profession, establishments  or organizations. Computers played a vital role in every field. They aid industrial processes, they find applications in medicine, they are the heart of the software industry, and they play a vital role in education and to different organizations. Thus computers are evidently advantageous to mankind especially that we are now on the information age. In an organization like Divine Word College of Vigan especially in the Human Resource Management Office, filing and managing employee records is an important task and to make this work easier and faster an Employee Information System can help a lot. Modern businesses have been leveraging employee information systems (EIS) to manage order, organize and manipulate the gigabytes and masses of information generated for various purposes. EIS helps businesses optimize business processes, address information needs of employees and various stakeholders and take inform ed strategic decisions. The main purpose of this project is to design an Employee Information System for Divine Word College of Vigan (DWCV-EIS) that will provide complete, efficient, accurate, reliable, timely, and secured employee information. In other words, it aimed to reduce the manual effort needed to file and maintain records thus DWCV-EIS is big help. As Divine Word College of Vigan – Employee Information System be implemented it would be expected that it will maintain and store information pertaining to all the employees in the organization. Human Resource Information Systems in Jordanian Universities The main purposes of this study are to explore the extent to which public Jordanian universities have adopted Human Resource Information System (HRIS) and to examine the current HRIS uses, benefits and barriers in these universities. A structured questionnaire was constructed based on other previous studies; it also pre-tested, modified and translated to capture data from HRIS users in Jordania n universities. The main findings of this study revealed that the quick response and access to information were the main benefits of HRIS implementation. While, the insufficient financial support; difficulty in changing the organization’s culture and lack of commitment from top managers were the main HRIS implementation barriers. The present study provides some insights into the performance and applications of HRIS in Jordanian universities that could help Human Resource Management (HRM) practitioners to get a better understanding of the current HRIS uses, benefits and problems, which in turn, will improve the effectiveness of HRIS  in Jordanian universities. As a summary, the related studies gathered by the group were focus primarily on advantages of creating Information System. As the world is living in highly competitive, different organizations and institutions face the innovative, easier and more reliable ways to give and obtain information. Stressing the use of technology in records m anagement was a great help in developing a system to be used by different organizations for the work to become easier. Chapter III METHODOLOGY System Development Methodology is the formal documentation for the phases of the system development life cycle. It defines the precise objectives for each phase and the results required from a phase before the next one can begin. It may include specialized forms for preparing the documentation describing each phase. 3.1 Research Approach The proponents used the â€Å"Qualitative method† which is the practicable method by studying various problems. The proponents gathered information through interviews with the personnel of DepED, Division of Silay. A set of questions was prepared for the person in charge to answer during the interview. Observation was also used with regards to the proposed Personnel Record Management System. Gathering of some sample documents related to the study like the personal data sheet, service record, service credits and leave credits. This research instruments will help in implementing an effective system for the HR department of DepED, Division of Silay. 3.2 Systems Development Methodology System development methodologies are promoted as a means of improving the management and control of the software development process, structuring and simplifying the process, and standardizing the development process and product by specifying activities to be done and techniques to be used. It is often assumed that the use of a system development methodology will improve system development productivity and quality. The proponents will use the Iterative Method which is based on the System Development Life Cycle Method (SDLC). An iterative lifecycle model does not attempt to start with a full specification of requirements. Instead, development begins by specifying and  implementing just part of the software, which can then be reviewed in order to identify further requirements. This process is then repeated, producing a new version of the software for each cycle of the model. Consider an iterative lifecycle model which consists of repeating the following four phases in sequence. This iterative lifecycle diagram illustrates the steps in making this project. C:UsersBTeuncruiterativemodel.jpg Figure 1. Iterative Model Planning and Identifying Problems The proponents seek for an organization that is capable of adapting the proposed system. DEP-ED, Division of Silay chooses as the proponent’s respondent. During the manual flow of transaction, the proponents have identified some problems encountered by the current system. Problem statement is clearly stated on Chapter 1. Determining System Requirements After planning the system’s project, the proponent will now determine the possible requirements needed in making the system. The proponents will conduct a thorough research in the host organization, interview the personnel of HR department of DEP-ED and gathered some sample documents. In determining system requirements, the proponent will gather information through several actual interviews, gathering sample documents and will take an ocular observation to the said organization. Design the System After analyzing all the system requirements, the gathered data that had been normalized will be set in the system database. The proponent visualizes the structures and the relationships of the proposed system with the aid of technical tools and will serve as basis for actual programming. The proponents will identify the system’s requirements such as the hardware and the software. Testing and Implementing the System After the complete designing and encoding of the program, the system will be set for testing. If the system wouldn’t run, debugging will be done to track errors. The system will be tested to know if it is running accordingly modified in proper condition. An efficient testing will be taken to ensure that the system is now ready to be implemented. In the testing and  implementation phase, the software and hardware will be installed for the deployment of PRMS. A user’s manual must be provided to help the end users manipulate the system. Reviewing the System’s Project Constructing and review of all the completed activities and if there are occurred errors, the developers should go back to the first step in order to fix problems. 3.3 System Requirement Specification In this phase includes the Functional, input, output, Hardware and Software Requirements that is needed for the implementation of Personnel Record Management

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